Moral Reconation Therapy in Richmond, VA

There are many ways to treat drug abuse and addiction, from medical detox and pharmacotherapy programs through to behavioral and cognitive treatments. Moral reconation therapy (MRT) is a particular approach based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), with this powerful method of treatment successfully applied in both drug treatment and correctional centers. Moral reconation therapy is conducted in a group context, with participants given various exercises and homework assignments to guide them through a series of seven steps or stages.

Benefits of MRT in Richmond

Moral reconation therapy is a form of CBT originally developed in 1988 to help improve the moral reasoning skills of incarcerated individuals. Since then, this form of treatment has been applied in drug treatment centers across the country, with over 78 published studies showing just how effective MRT can be in helping people turn their lives around. Not only does MRT help people find purpose in life, it also gives them the skills and support they need to improve their self-esteem, express their emotions, and recognize the cognitive and emotional deficits that are holding them back. By learning how to reduces thrill-seeking behaviors and think of other people when making decisions, MRT participants can learn how to avoid impulsive and compulsive behavioral responses.

What is CBT?

In order to truly understand moral reconation therapy, it’s important to have a basic grasp of cognitive behavioral therapy and the benefits it provides. CBT is a popular form of psychotherapy designed to improve behavior by recognizing and changing thinking and emotional patterns. By helping participants to recognize specific cognitive and emotional distortions, people can slowly learn how to create different psychological associations. Instead of carrying out the same negative patterns time and time again, people learn to be more mindful and develop the skills they need to create a positive and healthy lifestyle. CBT is applied in many contexts, both during rehab programs and on an aftercare basis.

MRT steps

MRT is a very practical form of therapy, with seven basic stages applied in a sequential fashion according to the progress of each client. During the first stage, clients are taught how to confront existing negative belief patterns and self-destructive attitudes. This is an important first step, with drug addicts only able to make real sustainable changes when they have recognized the limitations of their current belief systems. The second stage involves assessing personal relationships with friends and family members. The third stage involves detailed steps to reinforce positive belief systems and habits, with the fourth stage involved with the formation of a positive personal identity. The fifth stage of MRT includes steps to develop a healthy concept of self, with the sixth stage helping clients to improve their frustration tolerance, and the final stage helping them to develop higher stages of moral reasoning.

Let Richmond Drug Treatment Centers be your primary recovery resource. Just give our recovery advocates a call today at (804) 510-0877 to begin your journey.